Category Archives: Blog

Person wearing epilepsy monitoring system is sitting on the couch and watching TV. The camera is set up next to the TV.

Video-EEG — Why is video used to diagnose seizures?

Updated 13/12/2021 When it comes to diagnosing seizures or seizure-like events, your doctor may recommend a few types of testing. If you have been referred for a video-EEG test — sometimes written as VEEG or VEM — this article will cover some questions you may have. What is video-EEG (VEEG) monitoring? Why is video recorded…

Pen pointing at part of brain from scan.

Understanding seizures: Everything you need to know

Almost everyone who experiences seizures experiences them in different ways, whether through the loss of control of motor skills, consciousness, or perhaps even been struck with sudden uncontrollable emotions such as fear or anxiety. Thoroughly understanding seizures is an important step towards addressing these concerns and protecting the overall quality of your health and wellness.