Gold-standard video EEG-ECG monitoring,
no hospital visits.

Seer Medical’s services are designed for comfortable, long-term monitoring in the home, giving thousands of Australians the opportunity to be tested and get the answers they need.

Are you currently undergoing testing?

Home comfort replaces hospital stays

A hospital stay used to be the only way to access video-EEG-ECG monitoring. Today, there’s another option.

Widely accessible across Australia, the Seer Medical service offers advanced technology, an exceptional service experience, and rapid reporting.

Learn about monitoring for children

Capture everything, anytime

Our service is designed for capturing events over a period of several days, even during sleep at night.

Real-time quality assurance

Our technicians monitor the quality of recordings every day and call you if anything needs to be adjusted to ensure the highest quality data is recorded.

On-call support 7
days a week

It’s not every day that you have your brain and heart monitored at home! We’re here to answer any of your questions while you undergo testing.

How does it work?

ReferralAsk your doctor if Seer Medical’s at-home monitoring is right for you.
BookingWhen we receive your referral, we’ll call you to make an appointment. You’ll have your first appointment at one of our clinics.
MonitoringAfter your appointment, you’ll head home for a comfortable monitoring period.
ResultsThe report from your testing will be sent to your doctor within five (5) weeks of the end of monitoring.

How does it work?


Ask your doctor if Seer Medical’s at-home diagnostics service is right for you.


When we receive your referral, we’ll call you to make an appointment. You’ll have your first appointment at one of our clinics.


After your appointment, you’ll head home for a comfortable monitoring period.


The report from your testing will be sent to your doctor within five (5) weeks of the end of monitoring.

Clinics across the country

Access to high quality testing is why Seer Medical was founded. Our clinics are located in every major city and across regional Australia.

View all clinics

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a referral?

Yes. You will need a referral from your doctor or specialist before monitoring.
Feel free to start a conversation with your doctor or specialist about Seer Medical and they can help determine whether it is an appropriate monitoring solution for you.

Does Seer Medical come to my home?

No. There is a connection appointment to have the system fitted to you and a disconnection appointment at the end of monitoring. The time between these two appointments is spent at home.

Is this service suitable for children?

Yes. Seer Medical’s service is suitable for children. We provide one of the most comfortable and non-invasive long-term video-EEG-ECG monitoring solutions in the world. The entire monitoring duration occurs within the comfort of your own home so children especially feel more at ease.

Why is video recording needed?

The video recording component of our service plays a key part in making a diagnosis.

The information captured on this recording, together with your EEG and ECG data, allows a medical professional to see the moments that led up to an event, the environment in which the event occurs, and the body movements during the event.

You will be asked to remain in view of the camera as often as possible, but feel free to leave it behind when you need some privacy.

We take your privacy extremely seriously at Seer Medical. We will only review video when an event is reported by you or your caregiver or at times when our scientists find abnormalities in the data. Read our article about video-EEG for more information.

Can I shower or bathe during testing?

We are delighted to say, yes! All of our systems allow for either sponge bathing or showering. If you are connected with our magnetic connector or Sense systems, you can disconnect for several minutes while you enjoy a shower.

How much does it cost?

Seer Medical is a mixed billing service. There is an out-of-pocket fee for the services provided. In some cases, Medicare rebates and fee exemptions may be available. Please visit our fees and payments page for more information.

How can I get more information?

If you’d like more information about our service, please get in touch with us below by calling or writing to us.